Imagine happily accepting a job offer but regretting later because now you believe you deserved a better deal.

This might happen because your colleague got a better deal, or the market value of this job role is higher, or your responsibilities exceed your earnings or some other reason. In any case, powerful negotiation tools can help you secure a job offer with significant raise & a much better package.

“Our research shows that you will end up losing up to ₹ 2-4 lakh per annum on a base salary of ₹ 10 lakh if you don’t negotiate.”

~ Soujanya Vishwanath, co-founder, Pink Ladder.

The importance of negotiation is clearly known to you, but not everybody utilizes the tools of negotiation in the best way. Therefore, this article will help you visualize what your best package looks like, materialize your bargaining power, build your negotiation package bundle, frame your ask, and reach a Job offer that’s a win-win for both you and your company.

1. How To Strengthen Your Bottomline Ask

1. a. Three Anchors of Your Demands:

<aside> 💡 There are three factors that ensure you don’t settle for a deal that will frustrate you later.

Alternative + Reservation + Aspirations


1. a. i. Alternatives: How to build your BATNA?